Race, Social Inequality, and Education
Education is becoming increasingly important for
upward social mobility in the U.S. and abroad. Education has been
linked to societal inequalities in health, income, and other
life-chance measures. Thus, schools play a central role in social
and economic well-being, particularly for women and minority
groups. Given that the minority population within the U.S. has been
steadily increasing and is projected to comprise 45 to 50 percent of
the U.S. population in 2050, understanding racial differences in
achievement is important for scholars, educators, and policy
makers. This seminar will focus on the role of education in both
the production and amelioration of social inequality. Particular
attention is given to racial achievement gaps. By engaging both
quantitative and qualitative studies, you will acquire 1) knowledge of
the historical trends and understanding of racial differences in
achievement, and 2) a broad understanding of the current issues/debates
in the literature. In addition to focusing on the relative
underachievement of Blacks and Latino/as, this course will also focus on
the academic success of Asian Americans and Asians living within the
Methods of Research (Undergrad)
This course is designed to introduce students to the
intent and procedures of contemporary research methods. The course
is divided into five parts. The first three weeks (part 1) will
consist of an introduction to scientific/systematic observation, which
includes coverage of the nature and logic of scientific inquiry and the
conceptual process researchers engage in prior to conducting research
that guides the research process. In weeks 4 through 5 (part 2)
the course will cover research design (i.e., modes of
observation). We will discuss the factors determining the
selection of particular data gathering techniques, their strengths and
weaknesses, and the ethical and political issues that researchers may
encounter during the research process. Operationalization,
sampling, and data analysis will be covered in weeks 6 through 8 (part
3). Students will learn how to determine what to measure, how to
measure it, among what or whom to measure it from, and how to analyze
what was measured. Weeks 9 through 10 (part 4) are designed to
allow students the opportunity to discuss and apply the material in a
seminar-type setting. The final two weeks of the semester will
consist of student presentations (part 5). Although particular
emphasis will be placed on the building and confirming of theoretical
models, the course is also appropriate for students interested in
applied/problem solving research.